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Tech Stack

Python3, C++, C, Lua, PyTorch, Tensorflow, scikit-learn, AWS



  1. Today GSoC Contributor 3 months

    I am currently working as a GSoC contributor with the DBpedia community. I am working on the project 'DBpedia Hindi Chapter' where I am helping the community to build a Hindi chapter for DBpedia.

  2. 2022 Master's Degree in Computer Science 2 years

    Was selected for the Master's program in Computer Science at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai (IIT Bhilai). There i found my interest in the field of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

  3. 2021 Systems Engineer 1 year

    Joined TCS as Sytems enginner and working as Quality Assurance Engineer with Verizon team, where helped the team in end-to-end testing of the application and also in automation testing using Selenium and Java.

  4. 2017 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science 4 years

    I pursued the knowledge that a computer science degree had to offer. I learned about computer architecture, computer science theory, an array of programming, and aspects of artificial intelligence.

  5. 2013 First Line of Code the beginning

    I wrote my first line of real code that started this journey into digital craftsmanship that I never could've imagined, especially as someone who never saw themselves as anything other than a blue collar worker.